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May, The Road.

My typical journal entry begins with the song playing in my head at the moment, or a song that encapsulates the experience upon which I reflect. It feels fitting, then, to offer you the songs of May. Both my journal and this blog were neglected over the last month-- but I can explain.

I was taking time off.

Simply, travel PT has lended itself to the perfect blend of exploration in new places and going back home. My first contract was in the Central Valley of California, which meant my time was spent either at work, yoga or watching The Sopranos. I had great coworkers, both perm and travel, who made the experience easy and exciting. By the time the contract was nearing an end I was imagining myself extending there for a few more months. But, the plan was already in motion and I was homeward-bound.

May had it ALL: birthdays, Ciarra's wedding, graduations, celebrations, loss, family, friends and serendipitous adventures. Though I had planned to continue to write and send you emails, I put my laptop away. I needed a real break. I needed time to reflect on what has been said and what has yet to be shared. I hope that the conversations between us continue to find you uplifted, supported and loved.

Leaving home is always bittersweet. The May 2023 playlist has been the only constant in my last few days of travel, visiting friends, and creating a new home. I am thrilled to begin another adventure, to learn and grow alongside you.

Speak soon,


May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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